Dunbrody's Blog


Discover the Greatest Knight

William Marshal - He was “the greatest knight that ever lived”, Earl of Pembroke and Regent of England. As Lord of Leinster, he blazed a trail of Anglo-Norman power, building castles at Kilkenny and Ferns, and founding Duiske Abbey and Tintern Abbey on Wexford’s Hook Peninsula.

With his wife Isabella – daughter of Strongbow and Aoife – he founded New Ross with its thriving port.   Yet William Marshal’s story could have turned out so very differently.

On a journey to Ireland in 1200, his ship was struck by a violent storm and it seemed as if he might drown. In desperation he vowed to God that he would found an abbey wherever he landed safely.

Arriving in Bannow Bay, William kept his promise, and that’s how Tintern Abbey – also known as Tintern de Voto or Tintern of the Vow – came to be built on the neck of the blustery Hook Peninsula.

Unsurprisingly William constructed Hook Lighthouse too.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Summer Specials - escape to Dunbrody's relaxed elegance


Escape to the Country nothing beats two nights Getaway to the Country to the stunning Hook Peninsula & Dunbrody Country House & Estate especially when it includes a dinner on one night from Kevin Dundon's kitchen!  Treat yourself to a well-earned break of relaxation, pampering and indulgence.  You've definitely earned it


Getaway  Two days and nights of indulgence at Dunbrody House.  with accommodation in one of Dunbrody's luxury rooms or suites, Dinner for Two from the Harvest Room Seasonal Menu on one of the nights, Hearty Irish Breakfast each morning. Dining options also include the Champagne Bar and the Local GastroPub at Dunbrody

Book HERE 

Live Like a Lord (or a Lady!) To the Manor Born at Dunbrody   - Live like a Lord for 2 days in 1800s Dunbrody House...Georgian architecture meets modern luxury with this 2 day package which includes a Classic Afternoon Tea, dinner in the Harvest Room Restaurant from our Seasonal Menu and champagne breakfast til Noon on one morning.


2024 Cookery Schedule is now open for bookings so why not check out our range of one, two and five day courses.  Face-to-Face courses and online courses available  Or just follow Kevin with his daily recipe on Instagram Live at 2pm 

 Book HERE

Dunbrody Exclusive Packages
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